
Flight: The Genius of Birds

A Genialidade das Aves

Trailler da série "Flight: The Genius of Birds" que aborda o design altamente sofisticado do voo das aves. 

1) Dylan Winter and the Starling Murmurations

Ao anoitecer em um dia de inverno no sul da Inglaterra, um bando de 200.000 Estorninhos europeus se reúnem para soar em formações de tirar o fôlego, antes de empoleirar-se ao cair da noite.
Estes voos incríveis de precisão aérea e engenharia biológica são capturadas nesta memorável sequência de voo.

2) Hummingbird tongue

In order to fuel its heart and wings that can flap up to 100 times-per-second, a hummingbird must eat several times an hour. This groundbreaking animation illustrates the system of mechanisms that enable a hummer to consume several times it body weight.

3) Embryonic development

Spectacular animation and live action footage document the extraordinary 21-day process of organization and growth from a few cells.

4) Skeletal system

A bird's entire skeletal system can account for less than 5% of its total body weight. Yet its bones are strong and flexible enough to withstand the constant stress of flapping, take-offs and landings.

5) Flight muscles

A network of hundreds of muscles, ligaments, and tendons are required for flight. In this animation the structure and design of a snow goose's primary flight muscles (the engines that elevate and drive it through the air) are demonstrated in stunning detail.

6) Feathers

The feathers of a bird are superbly crafted to form its aerodynamic shape and protect it from the challenges of water and weather. In this animation, slow motion photography and computer animation showcase remarkable levels of engineering and design.

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